So happy, in fact, that I'm spending a lot of time having leisure - and I don't mean anything dirty by that, either...
No, I'm spending my time enjoying myself (still not anything dirty, fyi) and using the time to watch movies, have a little play around (on video games I mean, nothing dirty) and, most importantly, listen to some music.
So, why am I posting this? Well I've literally not put anything up for like, weeks or whatever, and I don't have anything to put up in the next couple of whiles, and there probably won't be anything until Christmas, and seeing as people seem to read this (my Russian popularity is starting to grow, and 1 guy in France looked at this one time) so I feel I need to appease my little cult I've somehow started by saying something that isn't six word stories because let's be honest they're barely stories and more just bizarre statements. I might rename them to "Things you shouldn't say in court.", it would be just as effective of a post to serve as advice instead of creative material, and I think I need to expand my audience to convicts so that I can that authentic cult feeling. And that is why I am posting something today, because I need to please anyone who reads this regularly (I know my teacher at college says she enjoys reading this stuff, still working on manipulating her mind through my cult methods, might be able to train her to be an assassin in a few years, will update on how that goes) so here is, as the title may have suggested unless you blindly clicked on this (if you did, how do you feel about training as an assassin?), I am literally just going to post a bunch of non-context songs that I've been listening to recently in my non-dirty leisure time because of the reasons I stated. I mean, as far as I'm aware there's no rules against this, and if there is then I'll just have to train you guys to assassinate the person who made such a rule, so it should be safe.
Anyway, here we go with literally just a bunch of songs.
Welp, there we go. Literally just a bunch of songs. No context, no reason, and really, REALLY don't go together at all. Man, I jump around a lot in music. So, there you go. Maybe I've introduced you to your new favourite artist or song. Maybe I've inspired you to create a musical masterpiece. Maybe I uncovered a set of notes hidden within these songs that, when played in order, will make you really want to train to be an assassin. Whatever it is, I hope you live a long and happy life and make lots of children unless you don't want to do that in which case it's probably best you didn't because... I mean, you don't want that, so... That'd suck.
Should I like, get an intro and outro to these things? I feel like I need to start these by being all like "Hey jabronies it's your main man Triple-D with a brand new bombastic hit on tha record playa man, sound me out at the airhorn and turn up your microwave because we're about to blast some bangin' grade-A man, you know what I'm tootin' up in dis place about, a-ha, yeah boii!" would that be a good thing? I mean, I don't know, I honestly don't. Maybe I should just be really awkward at the start and just be like "Hey, uhh... I like your, uh, hat guys. Uhm. Is- uh... Is that a new aftershave? It uhhh... It smells pre- pretty good, uhhh..." I mean, I don't know. How does blogging work? Is there some code of conduct I'm missing? Do I need a catchphrase? Should I refer to my audience in a certain way? What are the rules?
I think I'm going to start referring to everyone who reads this as "Blinkle Bundersons", does that sound good? Yeah, sure.
So if all you Blinkle Bundersons out there could smash that like button if you have red blood cells, that would be appreciated. Can we make it to 4 red blood cells? Can we do it? Come on Blinkle Bundersons. I believe in you.
Is there even a like button on this website? Ah, whatever, draw your own like button and smash it. I'll even let you smash it if you don't have red blood cells. Can't be too demanding on your first smash if you know what I'm saying (still not dirty).