Monday, 26 September 2016

The Factual Film Idea

This is more of a personal blog post designed for my teacher at college specifically to read. If you're not her, then it's probably best you don't read on, because there's not really going to be any funny goofs and gaffs to be had here.

Basically, I presented you the idea that I'd like to work on the documentary about the ghost mystic lady person, and that, as someone who really isn't willing to believe this stuff, would love to see if she could shed some light on just how it works and if I can believe it's real, and I am definitely interested in finding that out, but there's more to it than that that I wasn't comfortable sharing with the class, really. Obviously, the better place for it is therefore on the internet.

One of my best friends was working in his father's factory during the summer (family trade and all that, you know how it is) and was hit on the head by a loose electric panel from the roof (to my knowledge, but I have not asked too much about it at risk of seeming insensitive), which has had him in hospital since mid-July. It's really sucked for me and his twin sister, and my other good friends have found out recently, too. The whole situation has been terrible, and the fact he's been unable to communicate has been really hard on their family and has made it really hard to be there. A lot of my time has been spent trying to make things less, for lack of a better word, shit, with his sister (also one of my best friends) and the last few months of summer were really awful for everyone.

What I really want to know, above whether or not this woman believes she can talk to ghosts, is whether there's any way she can "contact" my friend, so I can just feel less awful about the whole situation and how powerless I feel. All I really want is just anything to make things feel less awful and miserable for everyone, because I just don't really know what else to do.

Sorry this wasn't a hilarious, interesting idea or anything, but it's something that really means a lot to me and I want to do to make things seem a bit better for a little while.

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