Collectively, as a class, we decided to create an Oscars Rundown under our student businesses name (Ufilms) that would detail the events of the Oscars from a week prior to a week after, giving details about what the Oscars are, who the Oscars are about, nominations, predictions, facts, music, fashion and afterparties. The whole class got together to make plans for this and proposed the idea alongside our teacher to have it created in the style of a news show. We created ourselves a schedule for the production and creation of these videos, which can be seen below.
This shows the schedule for late week 1 (Thursday 23rd) and for week 2. It shows everybody who is working on the different productions. Prior to this, we had a much looser schedule of producing things, which worked well, but had problems of not having the exact crew planned out. For week 2 we changed this, with the day of upload being shown at the top, and the day of filming represented in the circle, with the whole cast and crew listed and each person editing or out of the production listed below.
On top of this, scripts and research was created, which was all handed in to the teacher in a folder as part of the assignment, and summarises and explains everything we did for the assignment as a whole in terms of planning and preparation.
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