Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Unit 30: Advertisement Production for Television - Christmas Advert Recording (Assignment)

For college, we did an assignment that involved creating a Christmas advert. We chose to record our advert for a local business, and visited their shop to help record the advert for them.

Day 1: (14th December 2015)
This day was largely spent looking for ideas, after we realised our initial idea for a toy store wouldn't work, we settled on the local business that sells ice-cream upon recommendation of a group member. This group member was the same one who had caused issues during the music video recording reported on this blog prior, which will become relevant later.

Day 2: (16th December 2015)
This was the original day we had intended to record the advert, we had a group member ask a family friend to have their daughter come down to be the child for the advert, but it turned out the owner of the business had to go to a dental appointment. Unfortunately, a certain group member (there were three people in the group) had not arrived, who is the one who knew the owner of the business, causing us to have to simply record some Christmas lights outside and have the actor be recorded walking down the street. Not the original plan, but it was somewhat our fault for not asking whether she would be available due to focusing on the writing assessment too much.

Day 3: (21st December 2015)
After a long weekend away, I made my way on the bus down to the shoot, where we were able to record everything for the advert smoothly, without issue, and we got paid in free ice creams and milkshakes, which made it even nicer. A member of another group was able to join us, due to the absence of a certain group member (the same one as before), and helped us by being both an actor and helping decide on some shots. I had, unfortunately, shown up late due to the bus, but I was able to partake and join in the shoot, allowing for it to be finished on time, with plenty of time left over for what we had for the day, and allowing the advert to get finished.

Day 4: (18th January 2016)
Not technically a part of the shooting, but relevant to the creation of the advert, as this was the day we had a small focus group of friends and other groups in the course watch the adverts and give their opinions. Unfortunately, everyone in my group was off today, except for me, so I tagged on to the end of another group's work. Another unfortunate thing, is that our audio had failed on us, and we had no music at all for the group, but, in a good way, that was the biggest complaint we received from the focus group, meaning that, once that is fixed, we should have pretty perfect adverts in their eyes. However, the issue came about due to Adobe Premiere Pro (our editing software) not working properly.

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