Tuesday 5 January 2016

Not Dead

Oh man. Happy Holiday Season and New Year and all the stuff I missed, but I have been enjoying my time of which to do nothing by doing nothing, which included completely ignoring the fact that I made this thing once. I still have loads of college stuff to come on here and absolutely nothing exciting, but I mean, I figured it was worth putting something to say I haven't forgotten about you. We didn't get our 4 like things last time, so I guess nobody reading this has red blood cells (except 1 person who was possibly me, I can't figure out if it was or not), so I'm sorry for being offensive to your bodily functions and stuff, and I don't think that name I said is going to stick. But it's a new year now, which means I can try and force more trends into this crazy thing. How do you guys feel about getting a hashtag?

Hm, I'll think about it. Anyway, I'm still alive.


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