Tuesday 29 September 2015

Class Task: Writing - Six Word Stories

So in class we were forced politely requested to create six word stories under certain titles.

1. Happiness Is... Everything you ever wanted in life.
2. Childhood Memories... Blissful appreciation of all there is.
3. When I grow I up... I wanna be famous, I wanna...
4. The best thing about this week will be... When the week is over forever.
5. Six word romantic gesture... You look alright, I suppose, matey.
6. Your future epitaph... He was alright, I suppose, matey.

And that's what we had chose to do during our lesson in college. I'll probably do something more interesting next time, but for now this is all I have. I know, it's completely uninteresting in several ways, but this is all I have. I might do something tomorrow to celebrate the end of September, where I will politely request you wake me up.


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