Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Music Video Analysis (scrapped edition)

Boom boom boom, welcome to scrapped blog posts, something I'll probably never do again. This is for when I restart a whole assignment because it needed to have more edge.


Note: This was scrapped because I felt it was inappropriate for an assignment. This is what it was going to be, but I decided a college tutor/teacher person would dislike it and it was best go with what was actually published. soz m80

Hello. I have returned from my slumber, and I am here to present to you the next chapter of my epic story. And this time, we've turned it up to 7.8/10. Strap in ladies and gentlemen, it's about to get mildly warm in here.

We're gathered here to day to bear witness to the sound of the sonic recreation of the end of the world. Our journey begins with popular music videos, and the conventions and techniques presented within. I hope you're ready, because I'm about to analyse the gosh darn heck out of some music videos.

Let's go.

My college... teacher tutor thingy... is probably going to look at this choice and think I'm using this out of laziness. And yes, I am. But this is tactical laziness. You see, we analysed this video already in class or lesson or whatever it's called in college, and we explored it pretty thoroughly. So my question to you is, is it worth being original and risk failure, or is it better to use a tried and tested idea that has worked before and adapt it for my own intent?

Well, let's ask the director of this video! Oh man, I'm practically the bad guy from the first Iron Man movie with such an impressive segway. See, this video to me doesn't feel original. Sure, it's got bright colours, but so do the likes of Katy Perry. Now, the sheet I'm using to see the parameters of this assignment makes note of making this blog post in particular illustrated, as in using pictures, and I will, but not of Katy Perry, because that's just kind of weird. Back to the topic on hand, though, I don't think the (admittedly pretty interesting) artstyle of the video is original, and I think the choice of colours that stand out as being unusual was done to draw the eye and make it more memorable, which I will assume is one of the conventions I'm meant to discuss.

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