Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Class Task: Writing - Writing a Sit-Com

Boom. Two posts in one day. This is a new record, baby. Let's talk.

Hi. I was in college today doing a learning. We were given the assignment to create the idea for a sit-com and make something people would want to watch. I was working in a group where we decided on a sitcom that took place in a university for superheroes. Rather than being creative and coming up with our own heroes, we stole some.

Our choices were: Batman, Aquaman, Wonderwoman, Spiderman, Ant-Man and The Hulk.

Not only were we not original, we crossed the D.C. and Marvel barrier and put them together. Now. I won't lie. I took a load of pictures of all the work we did on my phone, but they refuse to transfer onto my computer, so you won't ever be able to know what I did. Yeah, that several hundred pounds I spent on a computer and a phone? Foiled by my £2 cable. So instead, you get a few boring sentences explaining what I did to contribute to this idea.

I researched superpowers. Yeah, it was actually a pretty fun task. Like, did you know that Aquaman has night vision? Did you know that The Hulk can see ghosts? Did you know that Wonderwoman's beauty is actually a superpower? Like man, those writers must have been high, and now we have to put that in our own work. Anyway, I also helped design the ideas for the narrative of the story revolving around Hulk being bullied by Batman and Spiderman because they don't think he's super and about a closet homosexual Aquaman dating Wonderwoman. Yeah, I think we really captured the original writers high-ness.

Not sure if I need to say anything else here, seeing as the pictures don't want to work, so I guess I'll just put a bit more to make it look like I've done more work.

Has anyone seen Pan yet? I mean, I liked the Disney movie as a kid, and don't get me wrong, Hook is a really good film, but do we really need another Peter Pan movie? Like, why can't they focus on more original characters? Not sure if I want to see it because like, I don't think it's going to be good at all, because it's a pretty boring and outdated story at this point, when we could instead focus on supporting more orignal movies, like Frozen! On second thought, I'll probably go see Pan. Frozen 2 is actually being made and it disgusts me that we get that but Incredibles 2 still hasn't been made yet. I mean, I know they're working on it, but we need more Frozone and less Frozen. Either way, we can all agree that Wreck-it-Ralph 2 is going to be great.

Yeah, that looks like enough "work". I'm going to get that analysis post I probably mentioned at some point done for tomorrow, and there won't be any dumb in it, so don't look forward to that.

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