Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Unit 15: Developing a Small Business in the Creative Media Industries - Business Proposal


University Freelancing Business

Proposal by Rhys Collins


Formal Proposal for Business

Working Title - Rhys Collins Editing and Writing

Summary of Business - A Freelance Editing and Writing business run by myself that will work in close contact with previous members of Ufilms to support their future involvements and movements in the industry, without overtaking their projects, as well as expanding my name as a competent filmmaker in regards to writing and editing in the local York area and amongst Ufilms clients. Part of this business will involve expanding into the local area and gaining a clientbase within York as well, and potentially recruiting other editors or writers in York to assist.

Aims -
  • Help by working on one third of Ufilms projects within the first year of University, as well as work on as many projects as possible within the following years.
  • Expand my name by working with local people within the course and the general York area during my time at University.
  • Provide an assistance to university work while still trying to promote people into a positive working attitude in regards to their own work.

Business Plan -
  • A business plan has been written that covers all the info in regards to the business and plans as necessary.
A business plan is helpful as it outlines everything your business stands for, what you intend to do with it, and plans for wages, expansion and publicity to help keep you on a dedicated track without any distractions in growing your business as large as you can with the most potential.

Staff -
  • Run and managed by me working freelance with Ufilms.
  • Back-and-forth, open communication with clients so that they feel like a part of a team when working with me.
  • Potential for expansion with acquired help.

Likely Clients -
  • Ufilms
  • Local people (Other York St John students, Film students, local business owners)

Unique Selling Point -
  • Edited/Written by a student.
  • Helpful for people lacking these skills.
  • A creative mind behind your writing/editing.

Resources -
  • My own skills (as well as the skills of anybody brought on as assistance for projects)
  • Time
  • PC with Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 or above

Growth - The growth of the business should hopefully be organic, expanding out in the local area once people have seen what I have created and shared that was edited/written by me, making it more desirable and having more people want my assistance in their own projects, making me more recognised due to my credentials. It may, however, be somewhat linear at first depending on how exclusive I work with Ufilms, but the overall goal is to grow organically out into the York area.
Strengths -
  • Editing/Writing Skills
  • Prior Credentials (Wally’s Peaks, Pinkerton, Smoking Kills etc.)
  • Closeness to Ufilms
Weaknesses -
  • University Student - May not have a lot of free time sometimes.
  • Dependent on hardware/software that may fail.
Obstacles -
  • Growth beyond Ufilms, may be others with similar ideas.
  • Other Ufilms members may want to edit often.
  • Distance from Ufilms.

Targets -
  • Expand freelance operation into York.
  • Work closely with Ufilms.
Contingency - While at University, I will also try and meet with any professionals brought in, give them my credentials and what I have worked on to try and get my name out in to the world and try to generate interest in my work so that I can, hopefully, move up in the industry beyond Ufilms and/or York.

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