It rained.
May 30th-June 4th 2017
I made the executive decision to take the week of the half term as a bit of a break from doing too much work on this assignment, doing more work on other assignments, but I assured everybody I would schedule next week. Adam (the DOP) was unwell in this time after having climbed a mountain, anyway, and so having to reschedule yesterdays shoot wasn't a huge issue.
June 5th 2017
Scheduling week (as well as finishing up on other assignments or other peoples films). First step was to message the cast and crew about when they would be available so I knew when not to use.
I'll also provide backup evidence for Rebecca, confirming that she is, indeed, doing her PMP for her Makeup course, too.
June 6th 2017
I asked the actors for their work schedules, to make sure that they could film on the weekend. I also continued heavily on editing, making sure that scenes 4, 5 and 6 were edited, as well as a large portion of scene 7.
June 7th 2017
I pestered the actors a little bit more to make sure that the weekend was 100% okay.
We were all doing work for a separate assignment in lesson, so I did no more editing on this day. I also made an executive decision that, due to time constraints and a difficulty scheduling, as well as poor weather, that the beach part, which is mostly unnecessary to the plot and was added in late into the script, was best being cut from the film. This meant the film would not only be finished on time, but would be shorter, to fit the Ufilms Premiere ceremony better, and wouldn't cut into the actors own final projects; all without taking away from the film.
June 7th 2017
I finished editing up to scene 8, and showed it to my teacher. She seemed impressed, other than the issues with scene 3 that were already there to be reshot.
June 10th 2017
Back on set, it was time to finish up on all the filming and wrap up. We arrived at 10:30 as planned, ready to work all the way through to 3:30. We finished at about 2:30, having finished all of the scheduled scenes, plus the reshoot, with the help of Chloe, Adam (who had cancelled his previous plans to be out on this day), Rebecca and the actors, Connor and Ben. I gave them a huge thanks, paid for Ben's transport (Connors is still withstanding, but will be provided at a later date once I have received it from the Ufilms budget.)

June 12th 2017
I re-edited scene 3 with the new footage.
June 13th 2017
I edited the rest of the film on this day, making sure that it was finished to a professional, high quality standard that I could be proud of.
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